
Abortion in the Philippines is not legal in the mind of most of the Filipino’s but in some instances if it requires the safety and the health of the mother and child in the womb in great danger there is an exception.. There is a medical term for that excludes it from being not legal. Some women mostly who are not prepared or those who are afraid of responsibilities using abortion as an option to escape from it.
The Child is a God Given Gift from heaven so if a woman got pregnant or plans to engaged with sex she must do it after the wedding. Mostly couple wanting to have a child they were unluckily not given a gift but those who were not asking and not wanting to have those who were given.
Based on research mostly teenager ages from as young as 14 up to 22 makes abortion an option. That’s why they engaged with not knowing it is a mortal sin in the eyes of our God. In the eyes of the people. It is a life that you kill not giving a chance for the fetus to live. Not their chance to but the parents’ choice for them to live. Life is God’s give from above and it is important to accept and give praise to him Almighty God…