Back to school

After a long vacation the bahay aurora kids are now prepared this coming school year they are excited to come back with full of experience and happiness over the last two months, because here at bahay aurora were have a lot of activity during summer such like summer camp, swimming, walk-a-thon, running, educational tour and team building activity.



And now! they are already to face again the reality of being kids to learn and gain knowledge at the school. This year we have two of kids are now going their first step at the kinder garden they are excited to acquaint with new friends and also their teacher at the school.



Before the month of June start we prepared the belongings of the kids like new bag, notebook paper, ballpen, pencil, uniform, shoes etc. Also, we have storage room here manage by Ate Ella our teacher of special children and with the help of house parents the kids needed from school will provided of our supply room, every year we’ll do this to make sure from head to toe their satisfied to the needs and ready their minds before schooling.



We would like to Thank you!, once again to those donators of school supply, and all the best in the good work you are doing for the children of Bahay Aurora.

-Matthew Custodio (Bahay Aurora Staff

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