A regular day at BA

To start the day, the kids in Bahay Aurora wake up at 6am. The day will start with an exercise. The 30 minutes running along the premises of Bahay Aurora. This will strengthen the immune system of the kids to fight different kinds of diseases. After the running exercise they will have a water break to replenish the lost water in their bodies. Each kid has a different task in BA, they were taught to be responsible doing task similar to what they do at home. Usually unit 1 and unit 3 Do these tasks.



There is a program of activity for each day after doing task they will have their breakfast. And they will have an activity to do like trampoline, skipping ropes and board games. After this activity they will have their lunch, they will have a rest after lunch they can do nap time. In the Afternoon they will have word puzzle, sudoku and coloring.

They will clean the surrounding in the afternoon each one has a task to perform. After this they will have to take a bath and be ready for dinner. During the night the activity is to be creative and to perform art activity. This is one of the activity schedules on this day in Bahay Aurora during summer, each day has a different set of activity to perform.



The kids are given different sets of activity each day so they can enhance their minds and develop their creativeness through these activities. This is done during summer not only helping them in their needs but also to provide them with activities so their summer will be meaningful and they can enjoy. This is how a day is spent in Bahay Aurora.



Individual differences

A child’s experiences in his early life greatly influence his eventual adult development. Studies suggest that 50% or more of a child’s mature intelligence is developed by the time he turns 4. It is no wonder then, that a child’s early years are called his formative years. All parents wish to provide every possible benefit to their child during their early formative years to ensure success in later years.
Every child is different, some of them are good in football( Sports) , some of them may become a model someday, some are good in drawing skills, some are good in arts. the children of Bahay Aurora are God’s Gift from heaven that they must be guided and given the right path in life. they must be love, care, and cherish so they will be may reach their dreams someday.

Ontstoken ogen

Op dit moment, mede door de weersomstandigheden, hebben heel veel mensen op de Filippijnen last van zere ogen. Het is dan net of je zand in je ogen hebt en het is enorm lastig en pijnlijk. Je krijgt gezwollen, bloed doorlopen ogen en er is geen medicijn tegen, gewoon uitzieken dus. Met name op ons kindertehuis hebben bijna alle kinderen hier last van. Dit komt onder andere doordat kinderen dingen gemeenschappelijk gebruiken. Het is namelijk een virus infectie die gemakkelijk van de ene naar de andere persoon gaat. Om te voorkomen dat er nog meer kinderen zere ogen krijgen hebben we een voorlichting georganiseerd.
Alhoewel we al regelmatige voorlichting doen (project Melissa Coens) was het toch van belang even de extra nadruk te leggen op de persoonlijke hygiëne. We hebben deze voorlichting georganiseerd op de plek waar de kinderen altijd moeten handen wassen voor het eten. Er is nogmaals sterk benadrukt om zeep te gebruiken en ook om een schone handdoek te gebruiken om af te drogen. Op die manier is er minder kans op infectie. Voorlichting in een groep is altijd leuk dus de kinderen zagen de lol er wel van in en het voordeel is ook dat ze elkaar corrigeren als iemand het niet goed doet.
Zere ogen duren meestal een week. Daarna is het over en komt het weer terug over een jaar tijdens de volgende natte tijd. Nu maar hopen dat er volgend jaar nog beter op de hygiëne wordt gelet.


Mind Museum

Last August 6, the Children of Bahay Aurora together with the staff had an educational field trip to the Mind Museum. Departure time 6:00 am, the children got excited and it can see in every face of the children the thrill and excitement that they had before the departure time. They had there breakfast in the bus.  Arriving time at Mind Museum 9:00 am they were given instruction of the things they must do and the things they must not do. They had really a great time in Mind Museum a lots of learning experience all about Science the technology and what really is the word of Science. The outer space, the start of everything, elements of the world and what really includes and compose of the Earth. The smile  and joy in each and every one was brought by Sir Nico and his colleague’s the Mind Museum was only the Introduction the main course is the Football Camp they play in the football field together with Sir Nico’s friends the children got a chance to play the real game. everyone were tired at the end but still very much satisfied with what The Camp provides. we thank Sir Nico for sharing with us the Chance of letting the Children of bahay Aurora Enjoy that wonderful experience



Brother Ruben & Sister Juby

Every community has his heroes. For us those heroes are Brother Ruben and Sister Juby. Brother Ruben is the priest from the Church of Christ in Morong and Sister Juby is his wife. For the past 15 years they have been giving Bible lessons to our kids. The older kids with Brother Ruben and the younger kids with Sister Juby. To be a hero you don’t need to do something spectacular. To offer your time and attention to our kids for such a long time is in my opinion also heroic.We appreciate your contribution very much and the children always enjoy to be in your classes.I’m sure they learn something useful during that special hour. Life is not only about making a living but maybe more about how we life together as a community, how to respect each other.
For Bahay Aurora you are true heroes, thank you so much for your contribution. Salamat Po!



Farewell Maribic

Bahay Aurora is a child–caring agency for the orphaned, abandoned, neglected and surrendered children. But a special case can be admitted in some extent of consideration especially if it is a sibling of two or more who also qualifies the eligibility for admission. Maribic was only 5 years old when she was admitted at the center together with her sister Sharon. The sibling, like other children needed weeks to fully adjust with their new environment and unfamiliar faces.  She also possess an amazing skill to assimilate with her co- resident and undeniable charm to connect with people despite the disability on verbal communication, Has the ‘undeniable’ These are only few assets she has which is an advantage for her to get people’s attention and be able to participate equally in every activities in Bahay Aurora for children of her age.  Maria is an active child. She plays with other children, can converse in every discussion and surprisingly can show off her skills and talents.  Despite her disability, she can dance and sing. And for several times offered and intermission number though singing with the guidance of  Bahay Aurora staff. It was a happening which will be considered as a funny thing for few but to Bahay  Aurora family, She is a living proof that one’s disability does not equates his or her capacity to connect to others, bring laughter and have a purpose in life.Maribic already went back home after few years of stay at Bahay Aurora. The Bahay aurora family hope that she learned   how to be a good child through the teaching given through SPED where she was enrolled  and though SPED where she was enrolled and through relationships that was built with equality, respect and love.